
Prophet Joel V. Brown


JVB Movement

We walk. We run. We Win.



Domestic violence and abuse awareness


It's A Movement...

Join the JVB Movement! We walk. We run. We win.


Pastor of New Jerusalem International Christian Ministries

A progressive non-denominational church located at 701 Johnston Willis Drive in  North Chesterfield, VA. For service times & events visit www.NJICM.com

Vice President of International Christian Ministries

A spiritually empowered, ecumenical coalition of churches, with service and faith-based establishments. Visit www.internationalchristianministries.org

Founder of JVB Movement & Healthy-Living Activist

The JVB Movement is about motivating the world to physically get moving! We walk. We run. We win. Connect with us on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/JVBMovement

Advocate against Domestic Violence

Domestic violence and abuse is a global concern for women with alarming rates but still it is rarely spoken of openly in most churches. Let’s change that.